Arcadia 2007
Host Committee
- Co-Chairs
- Janet Bishop
- Anne & Paul Wattis
- Gretchen Berggruen
- Catharine Clark
- Jeffrey Fraenkel
- Raman Frey
- Ed Gilbert
- Ann Hatch & Paul Discoe
- Charles Hespe
- Dorka Keehn
- Thomas Reynolds
- Lawrence Rinder
- David Sifry
- John Trippe
- Mark Ulriksen
Arcadia Committee
- Amber Bieg
- Kristin Brewe
- Christine Cariati
- Liz Hager
- Anne Hector
- Joann Lee
- Kelly Quirke
- Mireille Schwartz
Arcadia Curator
- Christine Cariati
Event Artwork
- Paul Madonna
Arcadia Web site
- Cliff Gerrish
Event Production
- CapirasoBing Consulting
Mimi Jensen
- From a Dream Tree
- Oil on Arches paper
- 11" x 14" (framed)
- © 2007 Mimi Jensen
- See Live Auction
Instead of turning to nature for inspiration I turned to chocolate, which is always a fine idea.
I dreamed I saw a chocolate tree
with leaves by Joseph Schmidt.I wondered at its beauty;
then ate it bit by bit.Made by local chocolatiers
with only one exception—Hershey's kisses dropped each day
from this, my dream confection.The trunk was Ghirardelli
with ScharffenBerger bark.Its blossoms by Recchiuti
and buds of pure Guittard.Truffled fruit by XOX;
the sap ran simply See's.Even FUF would never plant
this San Francisco tree.
- Contact:
- nullfalsenull
- Visit Mimi Jensens Website:
- Gallery: Hespe Gallery
In the early morning sun my eye catches the patterns. Do you see them too? They fascinate.
- Contact:
- nullmarvin.johnson521@sbcglobal.netnull
- Visit Marvin Johnsons Website:
- false
- Gallery: false
- false
In my landscape paintings I try to picture the individual character of each tree in connection with its surroundings and other elements in the painting. The series "Chairs and Trees" focuses on their restful and supporting qualities and explores the visual relationship between them.
- Contact:
- nullsara@sarakahn.comnull
- Visit Sara Kahns Website:
- Gallery: false
- false
My intention is to create work that asks questions about the implications of urban sprawl and its impact on the environment. I am interested in creating psychological narratives set in closed systems that express the behavior of and the interaction between humans and animals. The dystopian model creates a dynamic playing field where I can experiment with these ideas and forms.
- Contact:
- Visit Josh Keyess Website:
- Gallery: Hang Gallery
Victoria Kirby
- Tree - 07
- Monoprint w/chine collé & watercolor
- 20" x 26"
- © 2007 Victoria Kirby
- See Live Auction
Trees in the Bay Area and near Mt. Shasta were the inspiration for my current tree-related series using solarplates (etched using sun and water only) and hand colored. Mulberry paper was used for the chine collé.
- Contact:
- nullvickirby@sbcglobal.netnull
- Visit Victoria Kirbys Website:
- false
- Gallery: false
- false
John Oliver Koelsch
- Magnolia,
February 28, 2007 - Photograph
- 20" x 16"
- © 2007 John Oliver Koelsch
- See Live Auction
The ambiance of Victorian architecture in a stroll past the Flower Conservatory in Golden Gate Park is enhanced by the free form of a flowering white magnolia.
- Contact:
- nullkoelsch1886@mindspring.comnull
- Visit John Oliver Koelschs Website:
- false
- Gallery: false
- false
My paintings are about light. I always strive to create a harmonious atmosphere in my paintings via a proper balance of values and colors, so as to provide the viewer an opportunity to appreciate art and to react to it emotionally.
- Contact:
- nulljoe_kuo@hotmail.comnull
- Visit Joe Kuos Website:
- Gallery: false
- false
Colette Lafia
- Peeling Bark
- Acrylic, pencil, bark on canvas
- 24" x 24"
- © 2007 Colette Lafia
- See Live Auction
I have always been intrigued by the layers that compose a tree. A tree has a deep interior life that is a mystery to the naked eye. I am fascinated with the inner life of a tree, and Peeling Bark is an interior composition about the life inside the life of a growing tree.
- Contact:
- nullfalsenull
- Visit Colette Lafias Website:
- Gallery: false
- false
Gyöngy Laky
- Play by the Rules
- Construction with grapevine, apricot, plum and nails
- 33" x 33" x 2"
- © 2007 Gyöngy Laky
- See Live Auction
What is considered waste and what is not, is both intriguing and problematic in a throwaway culture. I respond to resources presented by nature and the environment each year as growers trim and discard tree limbs. I often use branches from trees in my North Beach neighborhood. This work, titled "Play by the Rules," addresses a different kind of waste. March 29, 2003, during the first week of the Iraq war, the San Francisco Chronicle published a photo of a family with three small children running from the fighting—so reminiscent of my own experience when, as a young child, I fled war-ravaged Hungary with my two brothers and parents. Since 2003, much of my work touches on the tragic and wasteful war in Iraq. Dramatist Bertolt Brecht once said, "Art is not a mirror to hold up to society, but a hammer to shape it." I have my hammer, my electric drill, my nails and my screws (strangely, called "bullets for building") and my pieces of wood. With these I hope to make a small dent.
- Contact:
- nullfalsenull
- Visit Gyöngy Lakys Website:
- Gallery: Braunstein/Quay Gallery
As an artist, Ive always admired paintings of flowers. I use flowers as shapes and catchers of light.
Con carino, José Ramón Lerma
- Contact:
- nullfalsenull
- Visit José Ramón Lermas Website:
- false
- Gallery: false
- false
Nora Lindahl
- Indian Lime Tree in Russian Hill Garden
- Watercolor and gouache
- 19.5" x 16.5"
- © 2007 Nora Lindahl
- See Live Auction
Nora Lindahl has enjoyed making art since childhood. She has studied painting in New York, San Francisco and at the Accademia de Belle Arte in Florence. Landscape painting is her way of becoming more deeply connected with the world.
- Contact:
- nullnoralindahl@yahoo.comnull
- Visit Nora Lindahls Website:
- false
- Gallery: false
- false
Courtesy of Hespe Gallery
- Contact:
- nullinfo@hespe.comnull
- Visit Leslie Lusardis Website:
- false
- Gallery: Hespe Gallery
I work with elements from nature. I enjoy using the chaotic patterns and textures of organic life from our environment.
- Contact:
- nullderek@lynchart.comnull
- Visit Derek Lynchs Website:
- Gallery: Julie Nester Gallery
Paul Madonna
- Seed
- Ink & watercolor on watercolor paper
- 11" x 14" framed
- © 2007 Paul Madonna
- See Live Auction
- Plum Blossom
- Ink & watercolor on watercolor paper
- 12" x 16" framed
- © 2007 Paul Madonna
- See Live Auction
- London Planes
- Ink on watercolor paper
- 16" x 20" framed
- © 2007 Paul Madonna
- See Live Auction
I want to offer the same beauty that I see every day when I walk out my door, the beauty that would change this city, and that I would miss, if it were no longer here.
- Contact:
- Visit Paul Madonnas Website:
- Gallery Website: false
- false
Mary V. Marsh
- History Lesson
- Gouache on checkout card, bookcover
- 8.5" x 15" x .75"
- © 2007 Mary V. Marsh
- See Live Auction
I am recycling discarded library materials and using the nostalgia of old bookcovers to imply a new narrative about trees as if they are only known through reading old books.
- Contact:
- nullmvmarsh@earthlink.netnull
- Visit Mary V. Marshs Website:
- Gallery: false
- false
Paula McCartney
- Bird Watching (Vermillion Flycatchers)
- Chromogenic Print
- 10" x 10"
- © 2007 Paula McCartney
- See Live Auction
In Bird Watching, I have combined varied natural settings with carefully placed craft store songbirds to create an enhanced landscape. This work questions what is natural, and whether being so holds any intrinsic importance.
- Contact:
- nullpaulamccartney@yahoo.comnull
- Visit Paula McCartneys Website:
- Gallery: false
- false
- Contact:
- nullfalsenull
- Visit Barry McGees Website:
- false
- Gallery: Gallery Paule Anglim
In the redwoods I found a fallen tree. In the middle of its root ball there was an entrance which I climbed into and crawled 100 feet to be reborn through the other end.
- Contact:
- nullinfo@supervisionstudy.orgnull
- Visit Keegan McHargues Website:
- Gallery: Jack Hanley Gallery
Paris in October: cobblestones and plane trees
melancholy sunshine; deep shadows.
- Contact:
- nullfalsenull
- Visit Beverly Millss Website:
- Gallery: false
- false
Doris Mitsch
- Verse 12A
(beaucarnia recurvata) - Photograph (#2 of limited series of 15)
- 20" x 24"
- © 2007 Doris Mitsch
- See Live Auction
This photograph is from a series of digital explorations of organic forms, isolated by a sweeping beam of light in the dark. The process I'm using is somewhat unusual: I'm using a flatbed scanner as a camera. The scanner captures an image by slowly moving both the light and the lens across the subject, essentially lighting and photographing it from multiple angles in one long exposure. This produces a single image stitched together from thousands of tiny slivers, to which I then make endless, minute adjustments.
- Contact:
- nullfalsenull
- Visit Doris Mitschs Website:
- Gallery: Clamp Art
I am interested in exploring the relationship of personified objects and the narratives created by their interaction with one another in isolated and nondescript settings.
- Contact:
- nullkwmock@gmail.comnull
- Visit Kyle Mocks Website:
- Gallery: Triple Base Gallery
How about the interplay of humankind and Mother Nature? I like it.
- Contact:
- nulljohn@musgrovepainting.comnull
- Visit John Musgroves Website:
- Gallery: false
- false
What would our world be without trees?
I should know, in a former life, I was
a tree, so I take care of them now. And
so should you.
Derek "The Tree" Nunn
- Contact:
- nullderek@art4lifesf.netnull
- Visit Derek Nunns Website:
- Gallery: Hang Art
Karen OBrien
- Golden Tree Triptych
- Acrylic on canvas
- 8" x 8" (x3)
- © 2007 Karen OBrien
- See Live Auction
My philosophy about painting: the best work comes from a place of passion. I become fervent about color or an idea and the creativity just flows. Inspiration? Viewing the masters, bakeries and the colors of a spring day.
- Contact:
- nullcupcakeartist@gmail.comnull
- Visit Karen OBriens Website:
- Gallery: false
- false

Coast Live Oak
Mark Dwight Foundation


Nancy Blair
Leigh & Bill Matthes

Anne & Paul Wattis
Mary Wohlford Foundation
Victorian Box
Tom BaumgartnerGretchen & John Berggruen
Alexander & Evette Davis
Eric Ethington & Doug Okun

Anu Nigam
Nixon Peabody LLP
Louise and Claude Rosenberg Jr.
Family Foundation
Alice Russell-Shapiro
Jim Sandler
Mike Sullivan & Paul Loeffler
Phyllis & Ted Swindells
The Urban Farmer Store
Flowering Cherry
Arborcadabra Arborist CompanyDiane Benjamin
BergDavis Public Affairs
CapirasoBing Consulting, Inc.
Greg & Michiko Conklin
Catherine Elliott & Tom Luster
Environmental Science Associates
Liz Hager
Ann Hatch & Paul Discoe
Anne Hector
Ann Ludwig & Karl Ludwig
Magito Wines
Parnassus Investments
Regina Phelps
Barton Shulman/Volant Consulting Inc.
Sunset Scavenger Company
Roselyne C. Swig
Liz & Jim Westover
Strawberry Tree
Ms. Brenda Marie AltmanKate & Jason Banfield
John Barabino
Mike Bories
Jonathan Burton & Lisa Eltinge
Walter Crump
Devine Properties
Karen Donovan & Robert Aydlett
Penelope Douglas
Brendan & Katelyn Dyson
George Elbaum & Mimi Jensen
Brian Ferrall & Laurie Poston
Derek Gordon & Arturo Fernandez
Norma Vincent Green
Susan Green & David Thompson
Bonnie Guttman
Remy Hathaway
Annabelle Ison & Dan Mahoney
Mark Johnson & John Cordaro
Sheila & Steve Fischer Kiernan
Judith Lucius
Mike Marshall
Kelly McKenzie
Sean Meehan
Debra Niemann & David Brodwin
Trent Norris & Jack Calhoun
David Pennebaker
Dominic Phillips
Kelly Quirke
Tim Seufert & Yolanda Molette
SF Clean City
Pat Skala
Bonnie Spindler
Jacqueline Steiner
Deborah Udin
Nadine Weil
Larry Wasserman
Media Sponsor

Beverage Sponsors